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Sign upA project development service as accelerator to reach renewable energy targets across pacific islands
A project development service as accelerator to reach renewable energy targets across pacific islands
The Moana Pledge has enormous benefits for the Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs) to sow a renewed pride and mana (life force) in their culture and communities, create thousands of new jobs, and spur significant economic prosperity to previously economically depressed areas. The initiative’s greatest benefit is that it serves as a roadmap and catalyst for genuine change throughout the world to combat the Climate Crisis. This initiative can become the future “economic socially conscious vehicle” to combat predatory models that have failed the PICTs. By providing innovative solutions, cost-effective financing, and rigorous oversight management, the solution will accelerate the adoption of clean technology in a profitable, proven, and replicable manner. The Moana Pledge is a modern embodiment of our ancestor's ancient wisdom that will return the PICTs to their ancestral ways of living in a self-sustaining manner that operates in harmony with their environment.
Mana Pacific Inc
Mana Pacific aims to deliver resilient renewable energy projects while unifying the Pacific to fight the climate crisis!
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