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PIE free water

A hybrid technology solution for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing micropollutants

August 2021

PIE free water

A hybrid technology solution for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing micropollutants

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Label Date August 2, 2021
By InOpSys
Parent company Air Liquide
From Belgium
Maturity stage TRL 9 / CRI 5-6 - Market competition driving widespread deployment &/"Bankable" grade asset class

The Solution provides a sustainable, profitable and reliable on-site unit for the treatment and purification of pharmaceutical and chemical wastewaters. It provides an alternative for transport and incineration of hazardous wastewater and removes micropollutants such as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and endocrine disruptors. The Solution provides a technical and economical feasible answer to the emerging problem of water quality and drinking water availability. The solution combines 3 different complementary technology modules and removes and converts active pharmaceutical ingredients via oxygen and ozone, ozonolysis, into biodegradable compounds that can be further treated in biological wastewater treatment. The solution makes it possible to avoid the discharge of pharmaceuticals into surface water and the environment in general.

The Environmental Benefits

  • 99 % removal of micro-pollutants, API's and endocrine disruptors (can be removed at a cost much lower than incineration)
  • 99 % of the required chemicals are sustainable chemicals such as oxygen
  • Selective removal of the problem causing component requires a minimum of energy, 8 fold less compared to standard technologies
  • Removal of micro-pollutants, API's en EDC's
  • Reduction of CO2 compared to transport and Incineration and reduction of at least 1m3 CO2 per m3 of wastewater.
  • Impact on the environment by removing steroidal and hormonal compounds

The Financial Benefits

  • 10 fold more selective than activated carbon and 20 fold cheaper than mainstream alternative of transport and incineration
  • No CAPEX investment required - "Pay Per Use" business model
  • Reuse of water possible and thus decrease of the water cost

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Activity Region

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Company Profile


InOpSys purifies industrial toxic wastewater in a innovative and sustainable way and recovers raw materials.

Headquarters 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
Type Startup or self-employed
View company profile Solution website

Parent company

Air Liquide

A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health.

Headquarters 75007 Paris, France
View company profile

Networking Partner

Cleantech Group

The Cleantech Group is a company that supports the development and marketability of clean technologies. The Cleantech Group provides members of its Cleantech network access to capital, investors, research and promotional opportunities. The group also provides advisory services for large corporations and governments. Founded in 2002, the Cleantech Group owns the term "cleantech" as a registered trademark.

Solutions Associated 48
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