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Sign upThermochemical solid-gas adsoprtion reaction that turns waste or renewable heat into cold
Thermochemical solid-gas adsoprtion reaction that turns waste or renewable heat into cold
Contrary to their absorption competitors, COLDINNOV's solution can efficiently produce negative as well as positive cooling, making it suitable for refrigeration (evaporation at -4°C), process cooling (+4°C) and air-conditioning (+12°C). In industrial, as well as mobile refrigeration facilities, they replace an energy intensive and noisy compressor with their static thermochemical reactor. All the other components (evaporator, condenser...) can be found ready to use on the current market, lowering considerably costs as well as failure risks. They use a natural refrigerant fluid (ammonia), which is both very effective and environmentally friendly.
Our breakthrough innovation turns waste heat into sustainable cooling by using a thermochemical reaction and ammonia
ADEME - The French Agency for Ecological Transition- is a public agency under the joint authority of the Ministry for an Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
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