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GreenPack performs in tough climatic conditions

Implementation Date

October 15, 2024


Centre d’ Essais Climatiques de l’Aigoual


Mont Aigoual

story image


We have installed our GreenPack at the Centre d’Essais Climatiques of the l’Aigoual mountain. The objective is that our GreenPack produces, renewable electricity to be used by the observatory. However the climatic conditions are quite tough with very low temperatures, lot of rain and very strong erratic winds. For this site it is important that the electricity production is important (even in winter), that the GreenPack resists to cold/snow/ice and that the structure is robust enough to stand very strong winds (wind speed up to 45 m/s). We have now tested our GreenPack for 3 months and it is performing well. As a side result we have also identified several improvements for our GreenPack and we are in the process of implementing them.

Impact & Result

Firstly, our GreenPack resists well to extreme climatic conditions. Despite being exposed to snow, ice, heavy rain, wind storms , very erratic winds, it stayed operational for electricity production. Secondly, the electricity production for the wind turbine part is quite up to expectations. Since the installation, the daily electricity production from wind is around 15 kWh per day. With its PV panels, we estimate that the yearly electricity production for this GreenPack is about 7,500 kWh.

Solution Spotlight

Our GreenPack operates without any nuisances and it can be installed on flat rooves of buildings or on the ground. The installation is simple, quick and easy. For generating higher volume of electricity, our GreenPack is scalable (several units can be associated). Thanks to its remote surveillance system, the electricity production can be checked in real time. Our GreenPack produces electricity by using two renewable energies (sun and wind). This means that the electricity production is much smoother (wind also in winter/by night), compared to installations with only photovoltaic panels and it fits better consumers needs (for instance in flats building, electricity needed in the morning, evening...). Depending on the electricity usage distribution, this advantage corresponds often to an economic benefit. In general the electricity generated by our GreenPacks is used for self consumption.


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