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Demonstration of high-power plasma torch APT-HP as non-emitting heat source for iron ore induration

Implementation Date

March 4, 2020


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden



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The Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) Energy Technology Center issued a tender for a “plasma burner” for R&D experiments on implementation of plasma technology as a heat source for iron ore induration, to lower the GHG impact for steel production. PyroGenesis (PYR) won a competitive bidding process to supply a 600 kW (net) air/nitrogen plasma torch system. The plasma torch was designed to operate with both air and nitrogen between 200 - 600 kW net, inside the pilot steel induration furnace. PYR supervised the installation, commissioning and start-up of the plasma system, achieving 100 hours of operation time and demonstrating comparable furnace heating to the incumbent gas burner. PYR validated their estimated torch electrode erosion rates to project electrode lifetime of several hundred hours. This successful pilot project provided valuable data on torch operation performance and gas emissions to evaluate the replacement of fuel burners with plasma torches.

Impact & Result

RISE’s successful trial of the APT-HP reduced energy demand from 1 MW with heavy fuel oil to 900 kW. A study from Chalmers University indicates that, based on these preliminary results, RISE can replace 15.06 MW heavy fuel oil with 14.4 MW using plasma. Estimating a 1 MW: 1 MW full-scale replacement, GHG emissions are slashed by 99.8%. For a plant implementing 80 MW of plasma torch power, annual emissions decrease to about 185 000 tCO2eq, with payback period of 2-3 years and 40% opex reduction.

Solution Spotlight

Over 30% of global GHG emissions come from the energy-intensive industry sector, necessitating mitigation options beyond energy efficiency to achieve major reductions. PyroGenesis’ APT-HP presents an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuel burners by producing thermal energy from low-carbon electricity for use in industrial applications. The high power of the APT-HP (up to 1 MW) enables a plasma plume exceeding 5,000 C and transformation of materials to valuable products from various industrial and waste materials. The APT-HP offers a lightweight, vortex-stabilized, compact configuration which can be retrofitted into existing installations such as iron ore furnaces and cement kilns, featuring long electrode life, low maintenance, automated operation, and a high level of safety and reliability. When replacing conventional fossil fuel burners, plasma torches potentially reduce operating costs by up to 30% and GHG emissions by about 250 MT CO2e per GW·h when using hydro power.


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