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Sign upOnline marketplace where renewable energy consumers and producers directly connect and exchange
Online marketplace where renewable energy consumers and producers directly connect and exchange
This solution provides a flexible, online marketplace, where consumers and producers of renewable energy can interact directly with each other. Using a real-time proof-of-origin procedure, electricity is tracked from source to destination. The marketplace supports all aspects of electricity retailing. It covers the full user-journey from sign-up to contract signature, from automated meter reading to billing. Smart-grid components can be integrated into the solution to support different use-cases. For instance, using the customers own PV electricity to charge an electric vehicle or demand-side response to reduce grid congestion. Possible applications include for instance household energy retailers looking to deploy a marketplace as a white-label solution to engage with their consumers, diversify their portfolio, manage prosumers and improve their transparency or corporate retailers looking to supply a 24/7 verifiable green energy solution to satisfy the sustainability goals of their business clients.
We game change the way businesses and households get renewable energy.
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