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Sign upA carbon dioxide supplementation system for the maintenance of metal structures
A carbon dioxide supplementation system for the maintenance of metal structures
The solution controls corrosion risk and prolongs the lifespan of metal structures in energy producing facilities. With DI Global System, the cleaning method replaces carbon intensive and environmentally hazardous processes. The product uses around 10% of the normal amount of solid media abrasively used by traditional processes for the same purpose. The remaining 90% is supplemented by recycled CO2. This allows for significant savings (around 85% reduction) in carbon footprint due to transportation of material, waste disposal and media production processes. Health and safety benefits for the users of the system are provided as it produces 90% less dust which can cause respiratory problems (health) and visual impairment during use (safety).
Air Liquide
A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health.
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