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Sign upA platform offering metering solutions for real-time energy analytics
A platform offering metering solutions for real-time energy analytics
The steady electrification of society driven by the decarbonization of heat and mobility system and an increase of renewable energy is a blessing to humanity but a threat to current energy systems. First of all, producers need to deal with new, fast changing variable loads, and second of all, consumers ask for a sustainable use of energy. CLEMAP is specialized in the evaluation of energy data. Through a combination of measurement solutions (if required including its own current sensor) and AI / Machine Learning, added values such as warning messages, efficiency gains, operation optimization, etc. can be generated from energy data. Thanks to its own cloud solution and its own meter data management platform, CLEMAP is able to respond directly to the needs of energy suppliers, metering suppliers, SMEs and building administrators and offer solutions that meet the requirements of the various smart grid players
CLEMAP increases energy awareness and helps consumers to save around 10% on electricity.
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