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Sign upRevenue and flow metering for potable water distribution networks and irrigation applications
Revenue and flow metering for potable water distribution networks and irrigation applications
The purpose of a potable water distribution network is to supply users with water with adequate pressure under various loading conditions. Water utilities strive to operate this process through a model that is sustainable to nature (i.e. water as a resource) and the financials of their business. However, networks are facing growing challenges (growing water scarcity, pressure on operational costs, water leakages, and waste) that could be mitigated with accurate metering solutions. The AquaMaster4 is the ideal flowmeter for potable water distribution networks and the high-tech response to the global need for water crisis mitigation and adaptation. It is the world's first self-verifying flowmeter which allows the integrity of the meter to be self-checked every 30 minutes and ensures meters are accurate and reliable. Using readily available standard lithium cells, the AquaMaster4 can be operated for over 10 years, and the transmitter can be powered by a range of green energy sources.
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