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Double-combustion wood pellet outdoor heaters
Showcasing bars and restaurants, terraces are the first contact with customers, pushing them to sit down or leave. It is also an additional sales space that must be optimized by offering comfort to customers. For these two reasons, the development and installation of heating systems for terraces have exploded in recent years. However, today's heating systems are veritable energy chasms and emit a significant amount of CO2. To meet this challenge, Edelsun offers an alternative by using wood pellets as fuel to provide a local, renewable and CO2 neutral heating system. Thanks to its design allowing the customer to admire the beautiful flames, Edelsun's product can quickly become a competitive advantage, attracting customers while keeping them warm at a lower environmental cost. Its specific double combustion technology generates 5 hours of heat with only 10 kg of pellets while producing only 40 grams of ash.
Edelsun designs environmentally friendly outdoor heaters with very high efficiency
As an expert for the innovation scene in energy and environmental technologies, CleantechAlps (Sion, Switzerland) is a hub for the cleantech ecosystem, connecting its stakeholders with relevant partners.
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