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Eliminating the impact of brake wear dust on motor vehicles
Car manufacturers have been focused on exhaust emissions for decades, but the engine isn't the only thing creating air pollution on a vehicle. As they wear out, brake pads and tires, as well as the road surface itself, release particles of dust in the ambient air. Several studies in Science of The Total Environment or in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology have shown that automotive brake wear particles are a major source of Fine Particulate Matter (PM10) originating from motor vehicles. Specifically, brake wear dust is estimated to contribute 16-55% of non-exhaust traffic-related emissions. The impact of this pollution is catastrophic as it can cause cardio-respiratory problems or lung cancer to those who are exposed. According to EEA (European Environment Agency), air pollution kills over 500,000 Europeans a year. Based on innovative technology, it is possible to eliminate polluting conventional braking systems. To replace them, Mazap offers a solution that combines the safety of mechanics and the cleanliness of electricity, without compromising performance or safety. The result is economical and environmentally responsible.
Clean & High Performance Energy Recovery Brake System
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