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Sign upAffordable, electricity-free and zero waste water purifiers
Affordable, electricity-free and zero waste water purifiers
Watsan Water Purifier aims to use technology as a fulcrum for providing the most affordable and effective drinking water and sanitary solutions. It works on nano-filtration, thus need no electricity, no maintenance, nor change of parts. They retain 100% of the input water and convert them into potable water, hence there is no wastage of water.
Watsan Envirotech Pvt Ltd
Watsan makes and distributes affordable, electricity free, maintenance free, zero water wastage water purifier targeting the BPL families and rural villages across globe who do not have access to clean drinking water. We make arsenic and fluoride removal add-ons as well. We also provide ready to fit toilets as a turnkey solutions, which were built completely using glass fibre waste, devoid of sand , water and cement to build it.
Waterpreneurs is a global “for-impact organisation”, supporting the scaling-up of impact investments financing the growth of WASH enterprises operating in developing countries, and respecting human rights. Waterpreneurs brings extensive knowledge of the water and sanitation entrepreneurial sector, impact investing and facilitation of marketplaces.
The Green Startups Accelerator
The Green Startups Accelerator is a Beijing-based environmental NGO and WRI, a U.S. based environmental think tank to promote green entrepreneurship in China
New Energy Nexus
New Energy Nexus (NEX) is a global nonprofit that supports diverse climate & energy entrepreneurs to accelerate the transition to 100% clean energy for 100% of the population.
Cleantech Group
The Cleantech Group is a company that supports the development and marketability of clean technologies. The Cleantech Group provides members of its Cleantech network access to capital, investors, research and promotional opportunities. The group also provides advisory services for large corporations and governments. Founded in 2002, the Cleantech Group owns the term "cleantech" as a registered trademark.
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