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Sign upA smart management tool of technical equipment in pools to ensure bather comfort at the lowest possible energy cost, using AI.
A smart management tool of technical equipment in pools to ensure bather comfort at the lowest possible energy cost, using AI.
With the SMART POOLING®, SUNNY SHARK offers to reduce the energy consumption of public swimming pools and aquatic centers by 15 to 30%, thanks to an intelligent, connected control unit that can be adapted to any site. It modifies key system parameters in real-time to meet all health and comfort requirements at the lowest possible energy cost. Its investment cost is low and its payback time is quick, unlike the massive, multi-million euro renovation work that has until now been the benchmark solution for improving the situation.
Sunny Shark
Nous réduisons la consommation d'énergie des piscines publiques grâce à un contrôle des équipements en temps réel basé sur l'IA.
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