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Sign upAn iot-based approach for smart greenroof irrigation and air cooling
An iot-based approach for smart greenroof irrigation and air cooling
The Skywater concept also mitigates urban heat island effect thanks to measurable evapotranspiration properties; reuses rainwater for domestic uses and greenroofs irrigation to save drinking water; decreases the energy needed for air conditioning in summer; and recycles grey water for irrigation of green roofs. The "Skywater concept" includes the use of high potential evapotranspiration (PET) plants (instead of standard extensive sedums) for air cooling and stormwater retention: Sopranature® Fresh – an IOT technology for monitoring, measurement and management of the greenroof irrigation and water storage: Soprema Connect – Aqua; Rainwater discharge flow regulator: Slowli® – Stormwater performance calculator for roofs: Privilège – Proactive rainwater collection and buffer storage capacity on flat roofs, with interactive consideration of the weather events a/o forecast. The use of this water in dry periods for smart greenroof irrigation and/or cooling; The use of grey water resource, cleaned on flat roofs by phyto-purification process on the roofs and having high potential evapotranspiration (PET) properties.
Soprema Group
A market leading provider of waterproofing, roofing and insulation systems with a committed focus on sustainable develop
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