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Sign upA process to produce and valorise new aggregates from demolition materials
A process to produce and valorise new aggregates from demolition materials
So far, quarry waste rock, as well as construction and demolition waste are mostly considered as Waste. However, spoils have a major asset: the sand. This natural resource, contained in concrete, is becoming increasingly depleted and scarce. But we still need it for new construction! Generated waste can become a valuable asset! There are indeed solutions for recycling. Our customers can make the most of their recycling and create a new source of income. Save Sand is a new generation of complete treatment plants, for the highest valorisation of recycled materials (quarry waste rock, as well as construction and demolition waste). It also represents a single, global offer covering the entire valorisation process of the products to be recycled! Our installations, therefore, make it possible to produce aggregates from demolition materials!
MS is an innovative industry serving the construction industry to help build a better tomorrow.
ADEME - The French Agency for Ecological Transition- is a public agency under the joint authority of the Ministry for an Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
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