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Sign upA line-up of concentrated floor, surface and air cleaners for professionals
A line-up of concentrated floor, surface and air cleaners for professionals
The Solution is A Professional auto-dosed 2L concentrated product line-up that helps to clean floor, surface and air in a more economical and ecological way than with current dilute or ready-to-use sprays. The Solution was designed to reduce its carbon footprint at different stage of its lifecycle. For instance, water consumption is minimised during product manufacturing, plastic consumption is reduced during packaging manufacturing, which in turns means overall less CO2 emissions. Lastly, the Solution helps customers to use the right amount of product and limit the overdosing (happening frequently with 5L Dilute Floor cleaner for instance), therefore limiting further the impact on the environment.
Procter & Gamble - P&G
P&G was founded over 180 years ago as a soap and candle company.
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