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Sign upWater4ever: delivering safe water for all through numa pipelined water networks
Water4ever: delivering safe water for all through numa pipelined water networks
Nearly 2.2 billion people lack access to safely managed water supplies. While developing agencies and NGOs globally have tackled this crisis through a charity approach, offering free wells and hand pumps, as well as limited training to community members on maintenance, this approach has prevented up to 40% of rural water systems to be functioning at any given time. To meet the needs of the local populations, Water4 enterprises use a market-based approach to provide a continuous safe water supply to customers through the NUMA piped water network. This modular, piped water network distributes treated water at varying quantities and scales depending on community needs. The NUMA Nexus is the core treatment and delivery system for the network. The Nexus uses micro-filtration, UV disinfection, and chlorination to treat groundwater. Solar power allows these systems to be placed anywhere in the world. After treatment, water can be pumped to branched kiosks (Nodes) or institutional and household piped connections (Nows).
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Waterpreneurs is a global “for-impact organisation”, supporting the scaling-up of impact investments financing the growth of WASH enterprises operating in developing countries, and respecting human rights. Waterpreneurs brings extensive knowledge of the water and sanitation entrepreneurial sector, impact investing and facilitation of marketplaces.
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