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Sign upA maintenance-free engine oil filtration system that protects engines, limits oil change, and reduces waste
A maintenance-free engine oil filtration system that protects engines, limits oil change, and reduces waste
The nitiFilter® is a permanent self-cleaning engine oil system that allows avoiding at least 2/3 of oil change while outlasting one's engine. It's a stainless steel mesh filter kept clean by a backflush flow, hence providing a constant and optimal filtration. It increases engine uptime by reducing unnecessary maintenance while providing better engine protection than the usual engine oil filters. The solution aims at reducing oil change and the associated heap of useless waste while improving engine uptime. Filter replacement and oil change are made non-mandatory, reducing engine oil consumption by at least 3 and drastically limiting waste: no more used filters and much less used oil, all the while guaranteeing an optimal filtration. How does the solution work? instead of using a paper-based filter, whose filtration rating evolved with time and which becomes contaminated and deteriorates, the Solution uses a stainless steel mesh.
Xtreme Filtration Performance aim to build clean and efficient filtration systems. Our first product is the nitiFilter®
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