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Sign upOne-stop solution leveraging advanced stochastic mathematical models to devise optimal energy strategies for industry
One-stop solution leveraging advanced stochastic mathematical models to devise optimal energy strategies for industry
j4energy provides a one-stop solution to support industrial decision-makers toward a sustainable future. Thanks to its user-friendly web-based platform, j4energy quickly builds a digital twin of your industrial plant starting from readily available data, maps its current energy situation and identifies optimal roadmaps to meet cost, emissions and energy security targets. Its advanced mathematical models deriving from scientific research guarantee optimal and risk-robust solutions by considering all types of energy technologies, optimizing their interactions and accounting for future uncertainties. Thanks to its proprietary technology library and seamless integration with suppliers, j4energy dramatically cuts lead times from analysis to strategy to implementation - from months to weeks - compared to business-as-usual spreadsheet-based energy analysis and traditional consulting services.
Supporting industrial decision-makers to identify optimal energy asset strategies, protecting from risk and uncertainty
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