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Sign upA dynamic agrivoltaic solution developed to protect crops and produce renewable energy on the same land.
A dynamic agrivoltaic solution developed to protect crops and produce renewable energy on the same land.
The combination of agriculture and photovoltaics (Agrivoltaics or APV) holds promise for enabling Europe's energy transition through dual land use. APV can be deployed at a lower cost than rooftop PV while improving agricultural yields and water use. However, current solutions rely on conventional opaque silicon panels, which is not optimal because they must be widely spaced to minimize the impact on agricultural yields. In fact, Insolagrin allows for PVA with no trade-off between electricity and agricultural production. Electricity is produced for approximately 250 households per hectare per year, while protecting the crops. The impact on the land area required for solar PV production is enormous, since the densification is 100%. This solution also decarbonizes agriculture, increases farmers' income and reduces water consumption.
Insolight SA
Dynamic Agrivoltaic Solution
As an expert for the innovation scene in energy and environmental technologies, CleantechAlps (Sion, Switzerland) is a hub for the cleantech ecosystem, connecting its stakeholders with relevant partners.
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