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Sign upSimple remote monitoring solution for oil and gas tanks
Simple remote monitoring solution for oil and gas tanks
Nowadays, bulk deliveries aren't done as efficiently as they could be. Usually, vendors wait for their customers to order, at the last minute, immediate deliveries which require driving extra kilometers. Sensile Technologies’ s solution – which enables fully autonomized supply chain – can be installed on oil, gas or other chemicals tanks. Vendors have access to tanks level and can plan their logistic accordingly. With proper changes of internal processes on how to manage customers equipped with remote monitoring solution, oil and gas companies can save up to 20-30% on their logistic costs and offer a better service to their customers.
Sensile Technologies
An innovative and global forerunner in the Internet of Things (IoT) market.
As an expert for the innovation scene in energy and environmental technologies, CleantechAlps (Sion, Switzerland) is a hub for the cleantech ecosystem, connecting its stakeholders with relevant partners.
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