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WindowSkin Adopted by Taitem Engineering in Ithaca for Enhanced Window Performance in Historic Building

Implementation Date

January 1, 2019


Taitem Engineering



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Taitem Engineering, PC, an engineering consulting firm based in New York State, installed the Solution to improve window performance and comfort of a 100+ year-old building with single-pane and exterior storm windows. Like so many property owners around the world, replacing their windows was not a cost-effective investment for this Client. As a result, WindowSkin® panels were installed on around 76% of the windows in this building.

Impact & Result

The building achieved a measurable 12% annual reduction in natural gas consumption, demonstrating its improved energy efficiency and contribution to lowering overall environmental impact.

Solution Spotlight

The Solution is a transformative window retrofit solution that provides as much insulation as an added pane of glass at an affordable price. WindowSkin panels are attached to the inside window glazing of existing windows optimizing the volume of air trapped in between the existing window and the window insulation retrofit. Like the gap between panes in a double-pane window (or the pockets of air in a down comforter), this layer of enclosed air – and its thickness in particular – creates an insular barrier and improves the efficiency of the window. The WindowSkin is designed specifically to optimize the thickness of this enclosed layer of air, maximizing its thermal insulation properties. Plus, each panel is custom-manufactured to fit the existing window exactly, with a patented design that minimizes the possibility of air leakage to optimize the thermal barrier.


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