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METRON Energy Management Adopted by SIBELGA in Brussels to Optimize Public Building Energy Use

Implementation Date

January 1, 2009





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SIBELGA, the grid operator for gas and electricity in Brussels, started in 2009 a project with Dapesco, which was later acquired by Metron. The implementation consisted of monitoring the energy consumption of public buildings (i.e., schools, police stations, fire department stations, etc). Additional services were provided such as the engineering for renewal works or grouped procurement for the different entities. Today, more than 2,000 buildings are followed on a daily basis.

Impact & Result

- Energy reduction ranges among site from a minimum of 5% to 25% reduction in the best case
- Averaged a 15% decrease in overall energy usage across all locations.
- Lowered annual carbon dioxide emissions by 40 tons company-wide.
- Reduced operational energy costs by an estimated $100,000 annually.

Solution Spotlight

METRON Energy management is a reporting and forecasting tool for multi-site and multi-source energy consumption, based on artificial intelligence. It's an "all in one" energy efficiency platform that monitors and predicts all energy and fluid consumption, produced directly or supplied by third parties, of multiple buildings and sites, in order to optimise consumption, detect anomalies and reduce their impact on the environment. Available online, on smartphones and tablets, the secure METRON Energy management application also allows you to issue alerts, generate configurable consumption reports or invoices, encode indexes manually, connect to your own production tools and databases, connect to local weather stations, etc.


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