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Sign upUniversal data-driven technology for growing plants on automated vertical farms
Universal data-driven technology for growing plants on automated vertical farms
Traditional farming is usually associated with huge risks of external seasonal factors and a long supply chain leading to nutrients loss, food waste and high carbon footprint. It also depletes the planet's resources requiring a big amount of water, destroying soil by using pesticides or other chemicals to control pests. iFarm solution is an alternative that ensures food security with pesticides-free products regardless of climate, location or time. It offers a universal data-driven technology for growing plants on automated vertical farms and enable clients all over the world to grow a wide range of products in a fully controlled environment and in a more sustainable way. The SaaS-platform Growtune controls microclimate parameters and continuously improves algorithms to grow crops with minimal human resources, within a precisely predicted time frame and reducing the amount of water/soil needed, logistic resources and the cost of production.
Universal data-driven technology of growing plants on automated vertical farms
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