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Saving water & energy during daily routines while providing a unique and pleasant experience
The solution has two areas of application: daily showering and salon hair washing. Each of these may use a specific derivative of the Gjosa technology. Jet-Fusion provides a unique showering experience with water droplets being 10 times smaller than standards showers. Other features include its high water flow velocity and its optimal rinsing and wettability. The water and energy used with Jet-Fusion is 25% less than with standard showers. For hairwashing application, In-Flow (the second derivative of the Gjosa technology) harmoniously mixes water and shampoo together. When in use, In-Flow uses only 2L per minute compared to industry standard of 10 liters per minute. It shares features with Jet-Fusion such as the smaller water droplets and high water flow velocity.
Gjosa SA
Jet Fusion Technology avoid the use of water, energy to heat the water up to 79% while increasing purchasing power.
Hello Tomorrow
Hello Tomorrow is global non-profit on a mission to unlock the potential of deep tech to solve the world's toughest challenges, by promoting, empowering & connecting deeptech entrepreneurs across the globe with the right enablers
As an expert for the innovation scene in energy and environmental technologies, CleantechAlps (Sion, Switzerland) is a hub for the cleantech ecosystem, connecting its stakeholders with relevant partners.
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