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Sign upA simple beverage container with zero plastic waste
A simple beverage container with zero plastic waste
Flexikeg unique shape avoids space wastage, putting up to 1000 litres of beverage on a single pallet, VS 500 to 600 for any other packaging used. The kegs are equipped with a patented technology that extends the carbonated beverages conservation from 2 days for the mainstream solution to 2 months. Flexikegs are used to contain and transport any type of beverage, whether it is alcoholic or non-alcoholic, carbonated or still. They come in different volumes, from 5 to 30 Liters depending on the user's need. Last but not least, the Flexikegs are 100% ecofriendly, fully recyclable and fully recycled!
Flexikeg has designed, patented and developed an ecofriendly keg that reduces by 10 carbon emissions, plastic waste and logistics costs of beverages transport.
Nestlé SA is a Swiss multinational food and drink processing corporation headquartered in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland.
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