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Sign upA decentralized domestic water filtration system that filters rainwater to 100% microbiologically safe drinking water
A decentralized domestic water filtration system that filters rainwater to 100% microbiologically safe drinking water
The Drop2Drink Unit is a decentralized water filtration system primarily used domestically (but also suitable for SME's). The Unit is designed to combat the increasing global water scarcity. The Drop2Drink unit has been certified by the World Health Organisation and has been tested by local and international drinking water companies. The unit delivers water on demand. Rainwater is collected in a rainwater storage tank or sack. Whenever a user opens a tap point the water is pumped through the Drop2Drink Unit. The water first passes a microfilter, an activated carbon filter, an ultrafilter and as a backup a UVC-Unit. The system can be monitored constantly (highly recommended option). We guarantee 100% microbiologically safe drinking water and aim to provide access to safe water for everyone. The Drop2Drink unit is flexible, plug&play, durable, economical and consistent. As D2D Water Solutions, we are committed to giving back to society and providing a solution to water scarcity.
D2D Water Solutions B.V.
D2D Water Solutions B.V. is the developer and producer of the Drop2Drink unit, a company based in the Netherlands.
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