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Sign upAll-in-one solar electricity and web access for empowering household & shops in emerging countries
All-in-one solar electricity and web access for empowering household & shops in emerging countries
850 million African people, out of 1,2 billion people, do still suffer from scarcity and low quality of electricity services. Their Solution is tackling this economic development barrier by delivering affordable, flexible (subscription mode with no string attached) and easy-to-pay "digital solar electricity" to peri-urban and urban African households and small businesses. Due to today's COVID-19 breakout, the need for capital and money to developing countries will rise further. In this sense, with its third party payment service, the Solution will be playing an important role as an economic booster, addressing a $50B yearly business opportunity in the fast growing region of the world: Africa.
DizzitUp is a blockchain powered basic necessities & solar electricity marketplace for households & SMBs in Africa.
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