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Sign upA score-based platform for quantifying, and managing sustainable commuting behaviors
A score-based platform for quantifying, and managing sustainable commuting behaviors
People continue to spend more time, cost, and carbon on commuting than necessary each and every day despite the over-abundance of options available at the touch of a button. Cities, employers, and real estate developers are particularly impacted by these suboptimal choices, as they experience the effects of over-stressed infrastructure, under-utilized programs, an unhappy workforce, and an unnecessary level of emissions. Communities Commuter Score and Commute Management Platform is an all-in-one platform for companies, commercial real estate, municipalities, and TMAs to gather data and implement efficient parking and commuting programs. The Solution helps you detangle the messy web of disconnected commute management strategies to create programs that see real adoption and help achieve savings in time, cost, and emissions. Score and measure commutes, analyze the impact on your organization or community, and develop, distribute, and manage data-driven programs in one streamlined process.
Commutifi is a data-powered commuting platform that helps organizations implement efficient commuting and TDM programs.
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