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Sign upA carbon-free electric generator matching diesel
A carbon-free electric generator matching diesel
Classical gensets are very noisy, require frequent maintenance, present a very bad energy efficiency (about 15% to 20% from tank to electric output) and can only be operated outdoor due to their pollutant emissions. BOXHy solution solves all these drawbacks, considering hydrogen as a fuel, and a hybridization between fuel cell and batteries, monitored by artificial intelligence, for a tailored electric power supply. As the only “pollutant” emission is water, BOXHy solution can be operated indoor & outdoor. As it is also noiseless, it is very suitable for operation is the close environment of the workers. As there are less moving parts, maintenance is dramatically reduced. Finally, energy efficiency is reaching about 55% from tank to output. In a nutshell, BOXHy solutions are the first Carbon-free Electric generators that can match fossil fuel Total Cost of Ownership, with high energy efficiency, no pollutant emissions and noise hazards.
H2SYS is proposing solutions for electricity and/or thermal supply in remote areas applications and also in transportation applications using green hydrogen as a renewable source of energy. H2SYS solutions, based on hybridization of fuel cells and batteries, can be proposed in OEM and full-integrated versions.
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