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Sign upAn innovative hydrogen-based energy storage solution for buildings
An innovative hydrogen-based energy storage solution for buildings
A Net Zero Energy Building produces as much as it consumes every day. However, due to lack of storage capacity, it sometimes provides the grid with the surplus of energy and sometimes needs energy from the grid. To tackle this issue, Smart Energy Hub allows the building to store the surplus and use it when it is necessary. This solution combines batteries, for their fast switching capabilities, with a disruptive technology: an RSOC (Reconfigurable System-On-Chip) energy processor, capable of storing energy in the form of Hydrogen (water electrolysis function), and rendering it when needed in the form of heat and electricity (fuel cell function). Thanks to its software (modelling of building and the Smart Energy Hub) and to the adaptability of its product, any NZEB building can be rendered self-sufficient in energy (non grid-dependant).
Smart Energy Hub: hybrid energy storage solution for self-sufficient and carbon-free energy buildings.
InnoEnergy supports and invests in innovation at every stage of the journey – from classroom to end-customer.
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