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Sign upA new generation of buildings designed to create financial, human and societal value
A new generation of buildings designed to create financial, human and societal value
The BHEP concept can be applied to all building projects around the world, especially in cities that need to anticipate urban population growth (+12% urban dwellers by 2050) by optimising the use of buildings, reducing their consumption of resources and improving the well-being of users through sensors and data analyses. The BHEP hybrid positive-economy building concept aims to make buildings fully hybrid, combining self-production of the flows they need in order to operate with the possibility of constantly adapting the layout to maximise the utilisation rate, turning them into profit centres. By pooling under-used spaces, adapting design on purpose, optimising surface efficiency, this building meets itself the owners needs in water (rainwater recovery), energy (facades and roofs used to produce renewable energy) and heat.
Bouygues is a diversified industrial group operating in three sectors: construction, telecoms and media.
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