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Sign upAn energy-efficient health and well-being sensing service for buildings
An energy-efficient health and well-being sensing service for buildings
The science of health and well-being can be extremely difficult to measure and act on. Therefore, arbn well works with you to install a measuring and occupant engagement service that gives real insight into real-time indoor environment conditions. The arbn well system has been developed to provide high density, high frequency measurements of air quality parameters at scale. The system collates both subjective data (sensor measurements) and subjective insights (participant feedback of in-situ opinions) to balance the environment and the occupants in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and comfort. These results are used to propose courses of action that will help improve the building’s environments. To avoid costly specialist-led approaches, arbn well algorithms identify potential trouble spots before tenant complaints and serious occupational-health issues arise.
A building performance technology company developing disruptive and scalable solutions for the global market.
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