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Sign upA biomass cookstove giving electricity access to rural communities
A biomass cookstove giving electricity access to rural communities
About 2.6 billion people in the world do not have access to modern and clean energy which is driving a range of issues across the world including poverty, respiratory illnesses, and deforestation. The technology and know-how needed to enable energy access exists, but is currently applied in two siloed sectors: thermal energy (cookstoves) and electricity. This disparate approach has resulted in a market gap that can have serious environmental repercussions and pressure on local natural resources. The ACE One is a solution that addresses this very gap by using a solar-charged LiFePO4 battery to power the ventilator needed to create a truly clean biomass combustion while also giving users access to lighting and phone charging. Built with durable materials (8-12 years life cycle), using 50-85% less fuel, burning any type of solid biomass it is sold on a 6-9 month micro-loan. With this model, ACE is likely the only company that can give $2-a-day people access to a $100+ product.
African Clean Energy
ACE is a social enterprise enabling clean energy access for rural households in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia.
Cleantech Group
The Cleantech Group is a company that supports the development and marketability of clean technologies. The Cleantech Group provides members of its Cleantech network access to capital, investors, research and promotional opportunities. The group also provides advisory services for large corporations and governments. Founded in 2002, the Cleantech Group owns the term "cleantech" as a registered trademark.
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