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RegistratiA concrete additive for making recyclable waste light concrete
A concrete additive for making recyclable waste light concrete
The MASUKO patent creates an endlessly reusable exit path to all non-reusable solid waste materials that can be shredded to small pieces and mixed into a novel Waste Light Concrete (see Wiki). Potential raw materials: polystyrene, rubber, IBA, polyfoam, motherboards, car parts, crops, sawdust. Since we do not change the concrete mixing process, MASUKO's scalability is very high, as all construction companies already have the equipment to mix WLC. We replace 100% of sand/gravel in the concrete mix with non-recyclable solid waste. MASUKO helps save environmental damages of mining sites and decreases the volume of permanent environment damaging landfill load beyond any other known technology. The final WLC product is soft enough to be shredded again and again, hence it creates an endless recycling path that decreases future need for new natural resources in such constructions, and by being locally reusable it decreases the costs and environment damage of raw materials transportation.
Makropa Ltd.
Gestione dell'innovazione: Il WLC è una tecnologia di additivazione del calcestruzzo per la produzione di calcestruzzo leggero e riciclabile a base di rifiuti solidi.
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