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Sign upA water filter suitable for populations with no access to drinking water
A water filter suitable for populations with no access to drinking water
Many families living in emerging countries or isolated areas must fight water-borne diseases every single day. Almost 2.2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water services, therefore one of the main Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is to provide for universal access to water from 2030. ORISA® water filter is a low-cost sustainable water filtration solution to meet a social and ecological challenge faced by humanity, namely universal access to drinking water. It is a portable family-sized water filter for NGOs and local organizations that ensures a sustainable supply of drinking water. The filter is fitted with an ultrafiltration membrane system and a back-washing function, and is designed to last. The filter removes viruses and bacteria in order to fight biological contamination and water-borne diseases. The filter operates manually, with no power required, and no automatic use of chemicals.
Fonto de Vivo
Waterpreneurs is a global “for-impact organisation”, supporting the scaling-up of impact investments financing the growth of WASH enterprises operating in developing countries, and respecting human rights. Waterpreneurs brings extensive knowledge of the water and sanitation entrepreneurial sector, impact investing and facilitation of marketplaces.
ADEME - The French Agency for Ecological Transition- is a public agency under the joint authority of the Ministry for an Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
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