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Sign upA blade icing detector for wind energy turbines
A blade icing detector for wind energy turbines
Wind turbines in cold climate regions are affected by severe icing that damages the rotor blades and is considered a safety hazard. Each time an icing event occurs, the turbine must be shut down until the blades are no longer subject to a dangerous ice load resulting in revenue and energy shortage. To meet this challenge, the eologix solar system is measuring the ice using a capacitive measurement method instead of vibration and identifies the actual ice thickness. In addition, the eologix system is able to control heating systems to prevent ice from forming on the rotor blades. By giving automatic ice-free signal, the eologix solution helps the turbine operator save time and money without any manual interaction. While being DNV-GL certified and officially accepted by OEMs and authorities, this solution is very versatile and can be installed on new or existing wind turbines.
eologix sensor technology gmbh
eologix sensor technology gmbh was founded in 2014. The young company develops innovative sensors for smart surfaces.
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