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Sign upAutonomous and decentralised water purification system for rural Africa
Autonomous and decentralised water purification system for rural Africa
In the 16 sub-Saharan African countries falling under the umbrella of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), some 39% of the population, which corresponds to more than 100 million people, has no access to safe water. Most heavily affected are people in rural or peri-urban areas without connection to the piped water and unreliable or no energy supply by the grid. Water used for drinking and sanitary purposes often is significantly polluted, may it be by organic or inorganic pollutants, or microbial contaminants. The SafeWaterAfrica technology represents a new autonomous and decentralized water purification system for rural and peri-urban areas in Africa and beyond. An integral part of the solution is a new European water treatment technology based on the energy-efficient production of strong oxidants, produced electrochemically from the water. It does not need additional chemicals for the effective degradation of persistent organic pollutants as well as for killing pathogens. The solution aims at delivering an autonomous, sustainable and decentralized "Made in Africa" water treatment system. This solution is highly efficient in the degradation of harmful pollutants and at the same time very effective in killing microbiological contaminants.
Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST
R&D partner in the field of coatings, coating processes and associated production processes
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