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Sign upA purification process producing an ultra-pure recycled polypropylene plastic
A purification process producing an ultra-pure recycled polypropylene plastic
Today, recycled plastics are typically contaminated with toxic impurities, darkly colored, and have a strong unpleasant odor. These quality issues prevent widespread use of recycled plastics in most consumer applications. For example, recycled plastic cannot be used in food and other sensitive packaging applications due to the concerns of product safety and the inability to deliver premium packaging experiences. To fully enable a circular economy, the quality of recycled plastic must be as close as possible to virgin plastic. The PureCycle purification process cleans, decontaminates, and decolorizes recycled polypropylene (the second most produced and used plastic in the world). PureCycle Technologies is commercializing a physical purification process that was invented by The Procter & Gamble Company. The physical purification process uses a non-toxic solvent to extract impurities and contaminants from recovered waste polypropylene. This resulting ultra-pure recycled polypropylene plastic can be produced with 60-85% less energy when compared to the energy required to produce virgin polypropylene. (Please note the 60-85% range is based on a forecasted utility demand for a commercial-scale purification plant, which has been designed but not yet built).
Procter & Gamble - P&G
P&G was founded over 180 years ago as a soap and candle company.
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