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OASIS: Multimodal Hydroactive System

An innovative green roof for urban buildings

August 2019

OASIS: Multimodal Hydroactive System

An innovative green roof for urban buildings

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Label Date August 28, 2019
From France
Maturity stage TRL 9 / CRI 3-4 - Commercial Scale Up / Multiple commercial Applications

OASIS is a multifunctional and hydroactive green roof for greening urban buildings. Unlike conventional green roofs, OASIS is a stormwater management tool. Urban damage related to rain runoff is avoided, flood risks are reduced and discharges to the natural environment in rainy weather are limited. In addition to an enlarged vegetal choice and urban farming, OASIS adds value to the stored water. For example, plants are irrigated twice with the same water thanks to capillarity. OASIS can be considered an urban planning device since it reintroduces nature and biodiversity into the city while driving urban building costs down. Absorption of rain peaks means OASIS maintains a low and constant run-off rate not affected by intense rainfalls.

The Environmental Benefits

  • Features a modular design.
  • Made out of 100% recycled material.

The Financial Benefits

  • Saves from 50 to 80% in water consumption in areas where green roofing is required.

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Company Profile

Le Prieuré Vegetal i.D.

Green roofs Solutions Vegetal I.D

Headquarters 41160 La Ville-aux-Clercs, France
Type Company
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Networking Partner


Réseau PEXE, the French Cleantech network, is the leading network of French cleantech clusters. Its main objective is to structure and promote the cleantech industry to accelerate the development of its 5000 SMEs.

Solutions Associated 24
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