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Sign upA service to replace disposable cups in cafeterias and vending machines
A service to replace disposable cups in cafeterias and vending machines
Concretely, Newcy offers its users a monthly subscription during 48 months that includes: provision of reusable cups and collectors, collection and washing of cups. The service can be described in several steps: (a) first, the vending machine manager introduces Newvcy's reusable cups, instead of disposable cups, in the vending machines. (b) Then, the user comes to the vending machine and uses a reusable cup instead of a disposable one. (c) Once the user has grabbed a cup, he/she can reuse it throughout the day. (d) At the end of the day, the user puts the cup in the corresponding collector. Newcy collects the cups every two weeks for washing and returning clean ones for reuse.
Réseau PEXE, the French Cleantech network, is the leading network of French cleantech clusters. Its main objective is to structure and promote the cleantech industry to accelerate the development of its 5000 SMEs.
EIB Institute
The EIB Institute was set up within the EIB Group (European Investment Bank and European Investment Fund) to promote and support social, cultural, and academic initiatives with European stakeholders and the public at large. It is a key pillar of the EIB Group’s community and citizenship engagement.
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