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Kite traction for motor ships

An automated system to save up to 20% of fuel for transportation vessels

June 2021

Kite traction for motor ships

An automated system to save up to 20% of fuel for transportation vessels

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Label Date June 30, 2021
From France
Maturity stage TRL 9 / CRI 3-4 - Commercial Scale Up / Multiple commercial Applications

Beyond the Sea is developing a kite propulsion system to reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions in maritime transport. Today, shipping accounts for 90% of world trade and emitted 1,046 million tonnes of CO2 in 2007. Today, most ship owners are facing a decline in revenue in a competitive market due to the changing price of oil. By using wind as a source of energy, equipped ships will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as part of the energy used will be renewable. The kite, in addition to helping to propel the boat, will reduce fuel consumption. Studies show that 20% of the fuel will be saved at constant speed. Depending on the desired speed, the engine can be turned off completely, and the boat will then use only the wind - a free and environmentally friendly source of energy - for propulsion.

The Environmental Benefits

  • the kite wing performance: their size needs to grow from 25 m² (actual size for kite surf and paraglider) to 50/100/1600m² and the wing tissue resistance has to move progressively from 20kg/m² (actual figure for kite surf and paraglider) to 100kg/m² to pr
  • Our studies show that 20 % of fuel will be saved at a constant speed.
  • For one 50,000 DWT vessel burning 150,000 L/day of fuel, our system could spare up to 30,000 L/day which is the equivalent of US$20,000.
  • It takes more than 10,000 tons of fuel to make an Asia-Europe trip, a bill of about $ 5 million per trip, depending on the price of oil, we can consider a saving of 1 million dollars each way and by cargo.
  • The reduction of pollution is estimated at an average of 26.6% for a ship equipped with the Beyond the Sea kite.
  • The solution will reduce shipping harmful emissions of CO2, NOx and Sox by 20%

The Financial Benefits

  • Our study on a Gulf of Mexico - Dunkirk route shows that a 1,600 m² Beyond the Sea kite would save 5,643 tonnes of fuel per year, or 79% of consumption.
  • The kite traction will offer considerable financial benefits: the typical fuel cost per day for a cargo ship being 50k$, a 20% energy reduction can then generate 3M$ savings per year.

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Company Profile

Beyond the Sea

The beyond the sea®'s project aims to develop a specialised kite technology to tow ships, using wind as an energy.

Headquarters 33260 La Teste-de-Buch, France
Type Startup or self-employed
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