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Dryad Silvanet Adopted by South Pole in Berlin to Safeguard Carbon Projects from Wildfires

Implementation Date

January 26, 2022


South Pole group



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South Pole, an award-winning project developer, has partnered with Dryad Networks to help forest owners better protect their forest and gain access to carbon finance. The two firms will work together to explore how Dryad Network’s Silvanet IoT sensor - a sophisticated wildfire detection Labeled Solution - can be used to reduce the frequency of fires in forestry projects that help reduce or avoid carbon emissions. Wildfires threaten the core value of carbon projects and fire-risk can increase the amount of “buffer credits” which these projects need to set aside, reducing project revenues. Technological innovation, such as that of Dryad Silvanet, will be key in improving the development and management of carbon projects.

Impact & Result

By implementing more effective management strategies, we can reduce the frequency of fires in forestry projects that play a critical role in reducing or avoiding carbon emissions. These fires, often caused by factors such as poor land management or climate conditions, can release significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Solution Spotlight

Dryad Silvanet allows to reduce dramatically the reaction time and enables firefighters to extinguish a fire before it spreads out of control. The wireless sensors are solar powered, measuring temperature, humidity and air pressure. Thanks to its sensitive gas sensors, it can detect wildfires even during the smoldering phase. Dryad aims to help protect the world’s largest carbon sink and home for 3/4 of all biodiversity globally. It addresses deforestation and emissions from forest fires which contribute up to 20% of the global CO2 emissions. Dryad will also mitigate the economic damage caused by wildfires, estimated to be at $140bn per year, tapping into a substantial market potential with insurances, forest owners and governments.


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