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Anaerobic Bio-Digester Adopted by Auchan in Shanghai to Turn Waste into Energy and Fertilizer

Implementation Date

January 1, 2017





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The Auchan Supermarket in Shanghai, with over 80% of the non-recycled wastes produced being organic, wanted to transform this waste locally into renewable energy and fertilizer. Before using the solution, those waste were landfilled and incinerated. In 2017, They implemented a digester system – the IBIS module – to process between 1.77 and 1.5 ton of waste per day. The gas produced by the unit is now directly used to produce hot water for the supermarket, reducing the supermarket energy bill.

Impact & Result

  • Diverted 1.5–1.77 tons of organic waste per day from landfills and incineration, reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Saved $50,000 annually on waste disposal fees and $43,000 on energy costs for hot water.
  • Achieved a return on investment (ROI) in approximately 3.5 years due to significant operational savings.

Solution Spotlight

The solution aims to transform organic waste into resources, in order to provide the world a sustainable, profitable and ecologically waste treatment solution for all food valued chain users. This Solution is installed on-site and locally processes organic waste as it is produced; it uses dry anaerobic digestion technology which generate biogas during waste process fermentation and the biogas can be turned into green energy such as electricity, hot water, cool water, steam etc., to help the users economize energy usage. By using this Solution, you gain a convenient source of organic fertilizers and biogas while disposing of your waste!


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