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Sign upA mobile, modular station, water depollution, treatment with natural zeolites
A mobile, modular station, water depollution, treatment with natural zeolites
SOLeHo offers solutions that meet the requirements of national and European legislation. - Reference: Environmental and health standards for: recovery of water for industrial activities and human consumption, discharge into the natural environment, recycling (capture of heavy metals and chemical derivatives). - CLEAR IMPACT STATION (CIS) is a nomadic connected station, water treatment, and aims to set up, consolidate and capitalize (Blue DATA), which has been done thanks to university work (with conditions at low scale), in particular to develop a solution for the transition to the next stages of the industrial project. The data modeling (Blue Data) of this pilot will make it possible to size the development of the pre-industrial then industrial phase of the solution. CIS will pave the way for the development of structured industrial offers, allowing to measure the environmental impact and which will lead to offers and services to the commercial industry.
Solého Environnement
CIS(c), dimensionner dans des conditions réelles le traitement et réut des eaux usées.
ADEME - The French Agency for Ecological Transition- is a public agency under the joint authority of the Ministry for an Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
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