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Sign upA low carbon footprint solution for the cement and concrete industry
A low carbon footprint solution for the cement and concrete industry
Cement production is responsible for 9% of global CO2 emissions. Today fly-ash (a byproduct from coal-fired power plants) is being added to keep both carbon footprint and costs down. However, as coal-fired power generation is being phased out in many regions of the world, there is a shortage resulting in increased pricing. The cement and concrete industry are forced to find alternatives and the CemShaleTM product produced with the CemTowerTM equipment is meeting their growing needs. The CemShaleTM + CemTowerTM solution provides a high-performance low-cost and low-carbon footprint cement additive, utilizing abundantly available raw materials. CemShaleTM produced on CemTowerTM is cheaper to produce, based on shale which is excavated in the same locations as other cement raw material (limestone) and is globally available in abundance. Additionally, CemShaleTM has a 95% lower carbon footprint than cement and can substitute up to 35% of the final cement within already ratified standards without compromising the properties of the end product. The technology has a global reach and brings the opportunity to reduce global CO2 emissions by up to 4.81% by 2050.
CemGreen ApS
We provide high performance SCM solutions for the cement and concrete industries.
Cleantech Scandinavia
Network of industrial companies, investors, real estate companies and cities; connecting to 1 400+ clean technology companies from the Nordics and Baltics.
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