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Sign upBiotechnology to meet the nutrition and protection needs of crops in the development stage
Biotechnology to meet the nutrition and protection needs of crops in the development stage
Global demand for food production is ever increasing, but common pesticides can cause unintended environmental impacts. The Bionutriprotección System Solution provides an alternative to pesticides by using biological, botanical and organic products to contribute to the gradual recovery of soil health and provide nutrition to crops. The Solution is used in the stages of crop development of greatest importance to promote and stimulate natural defences of plants. The Bionutriprotección System Solution can help in dealing with climatic effects which could stress crops, and can offer protection against pests and diseases that could affect the yield and quality of the harvest. The Solution has three key characteristics: easy application, economically affordable for farmers, and non-harmful for the surrounding natural environment.
Tecnologías AgriBest, S.A. de C.V.
We are a company dedicated to research, develope and innovate bio technological solutions for crop best performance.
Cleantech market intelligence and innovation company. We work to enable the development of breakthrough clean technologies to accelerate financing and adoption of solutions to climate change.
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