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Sign upEasy-to-install toilet structure with on-site faecal waste treatment using a bio-digester tank
Easy-to-install toilet structure with on-site faecal waste treatment using a bio-digester tank
Bioloos treat human waste using bacterial culture, which eliminates the need for excreta disposal, transport and treatment. The system obviates the need for external sewage infrastructure. This solution addresses the need for basic, easy-to-install and hygienic human waste disposal mechanism in areas with no infrastructural facilities, such as sewage treatment plants. In addition, it tackles the lack of cheap and easy-to-operate alternatives to traditional waste disposal systems. The bioloo reduces pathogens by 99% and reduces organic matter by 90%. For a family of 4, the bioloo recycles up to 100 litres of water, and treats 1 kg of faecal waste per day. The bioloo saves the user family/entity up to INR 2,500 (34 USD) per year as the evacuation of faecal matter is not required, and up to INR 5,000 (67USD) in operations and maintenance cost.
Banka BioLoo Limited
Banka Bio provides sustainable sanitation solutions for rural and urban areas, alike.
Waterpreneurs is a global “for-impact organisation”, supporting the scaling-up of impact investments financing the growth of WASH enterprises operating in developing countries, and respecting human rights. Waterpreneurs brings extensive knowledge of the water and sanitation entrepreneurial sector, impact investing and facilitation of marketplaces.
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