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Sign upEnvironmental impact simulation and forecast service
Environmental impact simulation and forecast service
The end-to-end service involves: input data provided on a worldwide basis, calculations performed transparently on high performance computers, maps, statistics and indicators directly usable to assess, take actions or communicate with third parties. Numerical simulation is used by professionals to assess and forecast impact on the environment and on the populations of releases or discharges in the air, the sea or the ground. It is used for routine emissions but also in case of emergency for accidental releases. The objective of AmpliSIM is to render pollution and its effects visible in order to take better, informed decisions affecting the environment.
We help industrials or public authorities assess, monitor and forecast their impact on the environment.
Réseau PEXE, the French Cleantech network, is the leading network of French cleantech clusters. Its main objective is to structure and promote the cleantech industry to accelerate the development of its 5000 SMEs.
Agoranov is a public science & tech incubator.
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