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Optimizing agronomic practices by making agtech tools easier for farmers

October 2019


Optimizing agronomic practices by making agtech tools easier for farmers

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Label Date October 3, 2019
From Italy
Maturity stage TRL 9 / CRI 3-4 - Commercial Scale Up / Multiple commercial Applications

Agricolus covers up to 70% of functionalities common to all the crops and dedicated professional algorithms for diseases forecasting and agricultural optimizations. By using modern data collection technologies Agricolus has: Informatization of agricultural management for easier storage of plot’s data and analysis ; support in order to administer differential treatments and other operations for the crops (fertilizers, plant protection products and irrigation) ; alert about diseases and other adversities that can affect crops using proprietary algorithms. The innovative element of the solution is the use of machine learning applied to pests and diseases forecast models. Agricolus helps to monitor crops and weather condition, prevents pest and disease, and saves inputs (treatments, fertilizers, water) while also providing traceability, an end to end tracking service that can bring information on good agronomical practices directly to the end users to raise their awareness on the real value of the goods they are buying.

The Environmental Benefits

  • Make possible to reduce by 20% the use of treatments and fertilizers, in order to save input and reduce the environmental impact

The Financial Benefits

  • An average savings of about 15% on several crop inputs such as seed, fertilizer and chemicals
  • Can generate saving amounting to 210$/ha for corn and up to 200$/ha for rice

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Company Profile

Agricolus srl

Agricolus makes Smart Farming easier and accessible to worldwide farmers, improving production and reducing wastes!

Headquarters 06129 Municipality of Perugia, Province of Perugia, Italy
Type Startup or self-employed
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